Although the founts of our knowledge and resources are at sea level, as I find it presently; yet, we seldom intend to rise higher from this situation. The velocity of human mind and its momentum relying onto the eternal element possesses the zeal of unceasing vigilant phenomenon and amazing solutions for its infinite activities; but, with the goal of eduction, I ventured into this task of discovery of unknown.
Since the last two hundred years so far, the common habitat of the entire humankind has been adversely deranged; because, by the several sources, it is gradually but severely being polluted. Hence, looking at the better survival possibilities and secured prospective, and, in order to quell down its severest adverse effects and put a bold face on it effectively; our advanced adaptation mechanism following such calamitous affairs, propelled out the organisms for itself in a similar way. During the course evolutionary process, while all creatures are struggling with adverse ecological effects, in order to comply with situation via adaptation mechanism; on account of natural selection process, much more intricate and diverse genetic combinations have also been evolved. But, at the same time, thereupon, much more complicated diseases have also been evolved so far and came into existence; which regardless of ever greater medical facilities are extremely difficult to treat and cure. Nevertheless, by the grace of GOD, considering forthcoming probable turbulences and tribulations of the space era of 21st century, involving latest ever concepts and techniques, the potencies have also been evolved so far; which are capable of offering the ultra-potent but much more milder weaponry against the newly evolved and highly complicated morbid phenomenal and pathognomonic changes, i.e. ill-natured genetic expressions of the entity. Because, the genetic mutation is a natural but unavoidable phenomenon of life, which is conferred upon all creatures.
The sickness is an anticlockwise run of life, unlike perfect health and harmony, which is clockwise one that appears after the perfect revivification of health. The process of healing art involves four factors at its rim, which in order to revive the original momentum of life must cooperate each other. During the course of revivification, the diseases follow patient, whilst physician to his remedies; however, both must co-operate each other in the task of revivification. In this process, if, the Superfine Naño Medicines are employed well properly, as it helps a lot in the process of revivification with its all potentialities, in its fullest extent; the task of revivification of imbalanced magnitude and momentum of life with pacifying the deranged psycho- physio- biochemical equilibrium of entity becomes much easier.
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